We Are Confessional

We subscribe to theĀ Book of Concord, the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, teaching the same doctrine God has given to us in His Word.

Luther’s Rose

lutherThe black cross within the heart reminds us faith in Christ crucified saves us. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” Although the cross is black, dead, and intended to cause pain, yet the color of the heart is not destroyed, but keeps alive. “For the just shall live by faith,” by faith in the Savior. The heart being fixed upon the center of a white rose, shows that faith causes joy, consultation and peace. This rose is fixed in a sky-colored ground, to denote that such joy of faith in the Spirit is a beginning of heavenly joy to come, as anticipated and held by hope, though not yet revealed. And around this ground base is a golden ring, to signify that such bliss in heaven is endless, and more precious than all joys and treasures, since gold is the best and more precious metal. Christ, our dear Lord, will give grace unto eternal life.