
At Holy Cross we worship using the Divine Service every Sunday.  The liturgy is the center of our life together.  In the Divine Service we gather to receive the gifts our Lord freely gives to his people. His gifts are the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation earned by Jesus on the cross.  

What happens here on Sunday morning is otherworldly.  God serves us in his word and by his sacraments. Through his word, as it is read and preached, we receive the law and the gospel.  His life-giving word delivers to us the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection.  Holy Baptism regenerates sinners and makes us Christians. Baptism unites us with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and bestows upon us the gift of the Holy Spirit and faith in Christ. Confession and Absolution return us to the promises of our Baptism daily. Absolution strengthens our faith in Christ and gives us comfort and help against sin and temptation. In the Absolution we hear and actually receive forgiveness for our sins.  In the Sacrament of the Altar Christ gives us his true body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and for the strengthening of our faith.  

The liturgy of the church is nearly 2,000 years old, and we rejoice that it has been handed down through the centuries. The liturgy is ancient, but it is relevant to us for our daily lives.  In the Divine Service our Lord strengthens us in the one true faith to go out and serve our neighbor in Christian love with deeds of mercy.